Sweet Clémence | Petite Allure Petite Allure: Sweet Clémence

Sweet Clémence

¡Me encanta el estilo de esta chica! Es muy dulce, romántico y con un toque parisino que deslumbra. Clémence Poesy posaba así para Glamour UK. Unas fotos preciosas y con un toque naif que las hace perfectas.

I love this girl! She is so sweet, romantic and with a parisien style that "J'adore". A photoshoot about Clémence Poesy in Glamour UK. Lovelly pics with a naif atmosphere, don't you think so? 

 Photos taken from Becaria de La Moda

"I've often been told that I'm a bit strange. I hear that pretty regularly, but it is not how I see myself. I feel like I'm extremely normal. I do have a bizarre face that's a bit out of proportion. I guess that's why some people see me as strange". 

- Clémence Poesy -

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